
Budgie and cockatiel rescue (NOT FOr SALE)

3 weeks
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Budgie and cockatiel rescue!! Hi, im new too Portsmouth and am a breeder of budgies and starting too breed cockatiels. I have been keeping budgies and cockatiels for around 5-6 years now. With the intentions too always help others who are in situations where they can no longer care for there birds no matter the reason. My aims always been too give my flock the best care in the most natural home possible. With this I have decided too take on rescues no questions asked budgies and cockatiels too try give them the best life possible in a nice sized avairy. There space is 6 foot by 6 foot for there outside flight and 4 foot by4 foot for there inside flight which is insulated and heated over winter. Currently I have 4 cockatiels 3 in my avairy and one older boy who’s 27 which stays inside. My budgies I have 8 pair inside currently breeding any money made from my breeding goes back into my flock for all there feed, veg, toys and treatment I may need, they will only be in breeding cages for around 3-5 months of the year usually during spring/summer time the rest of the year they live in the avairy where I currently have 20 budgies 10 boys and 10 girl. They will be given treatment for mites and worms inside before joining my flock in the avairy where they have fresh seed and water available daily and I give a veg mix 2-3 times a week. Any questions or needing too rehome any budgies or tiels please don’t hesitate too drop me a message and will happily rehome your birds or offer advice as and where I can. Thanks in advanced
Kieran Applegate
4 hours
Member since:3 years
Kieran Applegate
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Kieran Applegate
4 hours
Member since:3 years
Kieran Applegate
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